Hey Tomorrow is a new brand of wine on the block that’s minimising waste and maximising drinking pleasure and convenience. A range of not-to-be-baulked-at two-litre cask wines, Hey Tomorrow wines stay in top condition for at least a month after the first pour, meaning no more half-finished wines turned to vinegar on the kitchen bench. With a carbon footprint eight times lower than glass, they go easier on the environment too.
Two years in the making, Hey Tomorrow is the brainchild of Bomba partners Shane Barrett, Sacha Imrie, Kelly O’Loghlen, Andrew Fisk and Jesse Gerner. The first release of boxed wines includes five drops from some of Victoria's best winemakers including Lethbridge, Philip Lobley and Syrahmi.
We talk to co-creators Shane Barrett and Kelly O’Loghlen about why you should try it.
Who are you and what are you all about?
We are passionate hospitality professionals and lovers of all things food, wine, architecture, design and sustainability.
The company is officially three months old and has unofficially been around since October 2020. But really, it's been the works since Sacha studied the environmental impacts of the wine industry all the way back in 2015. She discovered there were huge inefficiencies in glass manufacturing and glass recycling in Australia and concluded that casks, pioneered for use in wine here in Australia, are the best way to store wine for many reasons.
Aside from all the environmental benefits of Hey Tomorrow, the major benefit for the at-home wine drinker is the longevity of the wine after the first pour. That's why we've opted for slightly smaller two-litre casks that will be in perfect condition for four weeks after your first glass (if it lasts that long).
Give us the elevator pitch, what is Hey Tomorrow?
Hey Tomorrow is a new era of wine. Quality wine with a fresh take on packaging, longevity, quality and environmental responsibility. It’s forward-drinking wine.
Explain like we’re five, how do you make it?
We get great wines made by our country's best winemakers and package them in a way that's better for you, the wine and the environment. We use a mobile bagging machine from Germany which we drive straight to the winery to minimise unnecessary transport. The wine is co-branded with Hey Tomorrow, et voila: a new way to wine.
What excites you about this project?
All of it. This is our opportunity to make a difference for us and our kids and make something we love a bit better. The bag-in-box model is better for everyone (except glass manufacturers). If we can convince even just a few people to forget the stigma attached to cask wines and change their perception, we’ve achieved something good.
We’re also excited about the prospect of bagging some exclusive wines down the track once we've got the trust and support of the winemaking community.
What are the perfect conditions to enjoy Hey Tomorrow?
Whenever you want great wine. At home by yourself while cooking dinner. Taken as a housewarming gift for people who haven't unpacked yet. Sent to your interstate friends in lockdown. Really though, this wine is designed for you at home because the best thing about it is that you don’t have to finish the whole thing at once if you don't want to. Wine today, fine tomorrow.
Is it here for a good time or a long time?
For both a good and long time.
Who’s pouring it?
Bomba, Anãda, plus 500 people (and counting) who've already received one since the launch.
Where can I buy it?
Direct from our online store or visit Samuel Pepys Wine Merchant in Northcote.
Hey Tomorrow, two-litre casks from $50, available at heytomorrow.com.au.